I am first and foremost an admirer of art. I have great respect for anyone that works with their head, hands and heart to "create." Watercolor paintings specifically speak to me in a unique and compelling manner.
It was the summer of 2007 when I saw a small sign at a local art gallery announcing Saturday morning watercolor classes. I signed up and took to heart the advice of the teacher and fellow artist Jeanne Davis, who told me the secret was to "just paint." She gave me the confidence to continue to paint and learn from the many mistakes I've experienced along the way.
I get great satisfaction from completing pieces that really "work" for me.
I am a signature member of the Missouri Watercolor Society.
Awards / Publications:
First Award . Missouri Arts Council . 2008
First Award . Missouri Arts Council . 2009
Missouri 50 Selection . Missouri Arts Council . 2009
Award of Distinction . Missouri Watercolor National . 2010
Artist Merit Award . Missouri Watercolor National . 2011
Kansas Watercolor Society National Exhibition . 2011
Published in "Splash 14" - Best of Watercolor . 2013